While we have plenty of awesome things planned for your enjoyment at Aurawra, we also have the special opportunity to provide community slots to people who want to contribute their own flavour to the con.

We would love to hear your interests and ideas shared through both panels and events that reflect the diversity within our community. Topics can be as broad as you want, and we encourage everyone to apply!

Slot durations range from 30 minutes to two hours, but please be mindful of how much content you have to contribute and how much time you plan to fill. There are only a limited amount of slots available and we’ll be selecting based on how fleshed out the panel is. Priority will be given to community panel submissions that have more complete content and more clear directions.

There will be several rounds of acceptances and we will be taking the time to understand your event or panel before deciding to go ahead with it.


Image provided by Shoobphotos